Sunday, 12 May 2013

Oil Filter

Maintaining a vehicle is not just a mere sending vehicle to the workshop only. The owner must also know some tips to avoid other problems arise on the vehicle. This guide gives some exposure to vehicle owners in choosing the type and quality of suitable oil filter when changing engine oil.

Filter function to keep the quality of oil is always clean and filtered through the inside. The tool which is not replaced within a period of time could result in engine damage and cause work system problems for engine components.

Before dealing with much worse problems on vehicles, vehicle owners are advised to replace the oil filter every 10,000 miles. However before replacing it, you must observe the following:
  1. Use the original oil filter. Do not use non-genuine oil filter because it is feared that the interior contains a substance that can damage the filter components. In addition, non-genuine filters or cheap brands use low-quality paper that is not durable to filter out dirt.
  2. Before installing the oil filter, make sure all interior clean from dirt, especially the surface of the filter. Note at the top of the oil filter there is a protector. Make sure it is open when the filter is to be installed. Then after the engine is turned on, note whether the engine oil leaks around the oil filter or not.
  3. When replacing the oil filter it is usually offset by higher than normal oil. Observe your car. If every 1,000 miles, the car you need to add engine oil, it may indicate that something is not normal in the engine.
  4. For example, piston rings were worn. Use a pressure test to detect the damage. Based on that information, the vehicle owner should take the necessary steps and observe the standard filter types are installed to prevent vehicles fitted with inferior filter.

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