Friday, 3 May 2013

Car Air Conditioning System

Car air conditioning system works using a compressed gas by a compressor. This gas will flow through the cooling coil inside the car cabin and the blower will blow wind through the cooling coil and produce a cold wind. After that, the gas must be cooled back and going through the radiator condenser which cools the gas. That's basically how car air conditioning works.

There are various problems that typically arise as a result of damage to the air-conditioner equipment;
  1. Hot air or air-conditioner does not cool. This happens because some of the damage. Check the gas content of the air-conditioner to see on the window air-conditioner gas filter (silver tube with the glass on top). If you see any bubbles, meaning there is still gas. So the damage is not due to leakage. Install air-conditioning. Note the fan in front of the radiator condenser. If the fan does not move. Meaning the fan is faulty and should be changed.
  2. If the fan spins, but his turn is less speed, the fan should also be changed. If the fan is moving fast and the air-conditioner is not cool, let the air-conditioner is on and noticed one of the air-conditioner gas pipe. If the water spots start to appear, then the gas flow from the compressor to the cooling coil functions. But if the air-conditioner is not cold, most likely, the valve that controls the entry of gas into the cooling coil is blocked or damaged. To change this valve, cooling coil should be open and should be removed and the proposed gas for air-conditioner service once.
  3. Air-conditioner not cold enough. These things usually happen on these cars are fully imported from states with colder climates or after the air-conditioning in service. No real damage to the air-conditioner because the temperature is controlled by a switch that activates the air-conditioner automatically. Ask the mechanic to adjust the switch so that the air-conditioner longer activated.
  4. In the long journey, after a while, the air-conditioner does not cool. This happens because the switch that controls the air-conditioner did not work properly, or even the valve that controls the gas into the cooling coil damaged, causing the entry of gas into the cooling coil excessively. This will make the cooling coil frozen, or iced happen that prevents the flow of gas out and, consequently, only a portion of the cooling coil cold, while other parts are hot. If this happens, stop your car for a while (until there is no ice on the gas pipe) and adjust the thermostat to a temperature less cold. If it happens again, valves or switches the air-conditioner should be changed.
  5. Drip water. This also happens because as the above.
  6. White smoke out. White smoke is actually dirt and water vapour occurs. because the gas is too cold. The reason is as '4' above as well.
  7. Air from the air-conditioner stink. This happens because there are external wind into the wind channel system air-conditioner car. Perhaps, also, the air-conditioner was not in service too long to cause all the dust and wet mouldy and smelly.
  8. Funnel the wind out air-conditioner oily. If this happens, the cooling coil means you have a leak and will eventually run out of gas and air-conditioner water will be hot.
It is proposed that the air-conditioner serviced every year. To travel far through the highway, do not adjust the thermostat on the coldest temperatures as this may damage the cooling coil valve. And for car users, do not 'play' with your air-conditioner thermostat because it is very sensitive. The cost to repair it is also quite expensive.

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